Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lots of great progress in the garden!  
First tomatoes are on the vine (with lots of blooms on the way), our second Squash is on the vine and on the way, our Swiss Chard is getting bigger and more colorful every day, and the Argula is perking up nicely!  

Argula is just a lot of fun to say - I think I will plant more of it next year - just for the excuse to say it.


  1. Your Swiss Chard looks so yummy and tall. I just thinned out our row but they are only 3 - 4 inches tall yet. Our guinea pig sure enjoyed eating our thinned plants! :)

  2. I never knew about all of the colors that the swiss chard comes in - this is our first summer to grow it and I will definitely keep it on the re-plant list for next year.
